As we begin 2018 many of us make New Year resolutions. We might be resolving to change our diet, travel more, or finally read those books on our nightstand. One very important area of everyone’s life we should consider organizing is our home office, and specifically where and how we store our important family documents and financial information.
Here are three ideas for organizing your important information:
1. “In Case of Emergency” Folder. If you handle the finances for your family, creating a backup folder of essential information is a reassuring resource for your loved ones in case anything happens to you. This folder can be an actual folder in a desk drawer or home safe, or a folder on the desktop of your computer.
Examples of information to include in this folder:
2. Create an Inventory of the Contents of your home. 2017 was a year filled with too many reminders of how in a natural disaster or fire, we might only have minutes to get our loved ones out of the home.There might not even be time to grab family mementos or items of value. Take some time with your family to make a list, room by room, of the contents of your home. Take photos.If this project sounds too daunting, there are some Apps out there that can help you take a Home Inventory. For more information, check out these articles:
3. Create a 3-ring binder of all vital information and store in a heavy-duty water-resistant bag for easy grabbing in an emergency.
Items to include:
May these tips bring you organization and peace of mind in the new year!
The article and opinions in this publication are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. We suggest that you consult your accountant, tax, or legal advisor with regard to your individual situation.