3 Tips on Improving Your Finances and Assets

September 9, 2015
AOG Wealth Management

As Wall Street continues to experience difficult times, consider a financial checkup. While everyone is having a mid-year review and a financial checkpoint, what are you doing as an individual?

As your local financial advisor in Northern, Virginia , we recommend that you do the same. Here are some tips on checking and improving your finances and assets effectively.

Evaluate Your Savings and Fees

Start with the basics, such as your current savings and fees. Having only three more months before this year ends, look for opportunities to reduce any unnecessary fees. Check all of your credit cards and bank fees. Take the time to review your savings, as well. One of the most practical ways to increase your savings is to challenge yourself to spend less and save more. It could be as simple as setting aside an expensive pricey hobby or postponing vacation travel plans.

Review Your Retirement Contributions

It helps to check your year-to-date numbers and be sure that you are maximizing retirement contributions. Maxing out your contributions will reduce your taxable income and increase your account balance, which is a win-win situation. To minimize your tax expenses, contribute to your favorite charity or cause.

Hire a Professional Wealth Manager

Hiring a professional wealth manager will let you discover better financial options. At AOG Wealth Management, we actively monitor investments based on the client’s risk and/or reward profile. This way, we can help you steward your finances and assets efficiently. Moreover, we have a team of financial advisors that give a steady hand of guidance and expertise. If you want to learn more about your retirement funds, tax efficient strategies, profit sharing 401K, and others, we can help you out.

We divide our services in small business, asset, and wealth management. We commit to up-to-date strategies and excellent customer service. We make sure that the solution we provide is custom fit to your needs. As an experienced financial planner in Northern Virginia , we help individuals and businesses achieve their greatest financial goals.

To get started, call us at (866) 993-0203 today and we will be ready to assist you. If you want a complimentary consultation, send us a message through our contact form.

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