As you may all realize the key to a hotel REIT is the quality of the management team and their relevant experience. We believe that the Crestline hotels management team to be a high quality knowledgeable set of executives with extensive hotel experience which should bold well for the REIT.
We had already reviewed the metrics for the supply and demand of (primarily) hotels accommodating business travelers, and examined the range of potential trends for business travel. We had also reviewed the potential of limited capital rising to meet the demand of maturing loans for hotels which can lead to lower prices.
If this assessment is correct, the rotation of recovery in business hotels might allow us to “buy low” and “sell high”. We have also reviewed the potential pipeline of properties available for purchase in this space, and are evaluating this offering for our clients on an individual basis. Please let us know if you have an interest in learning more about this offering.
By Frederick Baerenz
President & CEO