Come election season, theories will be batted around about the influence of the next White House occupant over the stock market. Some people seem to believe that whoever emerges as the victor in the election has tremendous control over the U.S. economy. In this entry, we take a look at some of the theories that have popped up in the previous elections and what they can mean for your personal finances.
Are Presidential Elections and Stock Markets Related?
Back in 2012, voters faced a very difficult choice: Republican victory meant radical changes in tax code, healthcare, foreign policy, while the win for the then incumbent Democrat President meant a continuation of the policies championed in previous years.
But the outcome of the election is not just about policy. According to some observers, the stock market could take a hit too depending on who wins an election. They point to historic data to support this claim. In 1937, during Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first year as president, the market was down by 27%. In contrast, the Dow Jones Industrial Average went up by more than 36% after Bill Clinton’s election.
However, many analysts retain that telling how stocks will behave based on who occupies the White House is a futile pursuit. The stock market in particular will always be to some degree unpredictable. The more important thing is being proactive in managing your personal assets.
Is There Something You Can Do About It?
Hiring Northern Virginia wealth advisors is a good way to start. Election or not, matters such as retirement and wealth management should be big on your list. Don’t miss out on an excellent investment opportunity just because the political playing field isn’t going where you expected it.
In order for you to make the right decision, you need to hire services of a professional asset management company—such as AOG Wealth Management.
We can provide exclusive financial services regardless of who’s in the White House. We can manage your existing assets or make investments on your behalf. We also perform expert financial planning to help you hit your money goals and prepare for future needs.
Another presidential election is coming in 2016. You can turn to us for your wealth management needs in Reston, Great Falls, Ashburn and the surrounding Metro DC area in preparation for this event as well as the important upcoming events in your life. Give us a call at (866) 993-0203 to get started today.
The article and opinions in this publication are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. We suggest that you consult your accountant, tax, or legal advisor with regard to your individual situation.