Welcome to our new website

December 3, 2013
AOG Wealth Management

We are pleased to announce that our new improved website will be launching this week. We hope everyone will take the time to go and visit our new home on the web. The launch of the new site is the result of the hard work of our top notch staff here at AOG (Shelia, Michelle, Erica, Karen) and our new partner Surefire Social.

We believe that the new look and feel of this website accurately communicates who we are and our unique capabilities as a firm. You will find a number of new pages that describe our investment philosophy and process, our staff and biographies and our local community involvement. We will also have a link to our new client portal where you will be able to access your account information and reports through our updated system beginning in 2014.

One of the key new aspects of our new site will be the blog page and our new social media presence. Our weekly newsletter, and other important items will now, not only be delivered through email, but going forward also be posted on the site in the blog section and delivered via Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

We will also be writing Google articles, educational articles on investments that we utilize and the events that affect them, which will also be available on our blog and the social media outlets.

We encourage everyone to: follow us /link in/ like us/ connect with us on all our social media outlets and visit our new website, aogwealth.com, to receive the latest updates on all things AOG Wealth.

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