Happy 4th of July from AOG Wealth Management!

July 3, 2020
Fred Baerenz

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For two hundred and forty four years we have celebrated the July 4, 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence with parades, picnics and fireworks. Even a global pandemic cannot repress the American Spirit of Freedom to self-govern, worship, assemble and speak disparate views in the public square.

AOG Wealth is happy to support our local community in this enterprise....with some prudent modifications. Instead of a crowd gathering in town with floats and marching ensembles circling the square, we will have stationary exhibits and routines with attendees driving by the displays.

Please join us in the celebration from the safety of your vehicle. If not, we hope you enjoy your own celebration at home! Happy Independence Day!

From our Friends at the Celebrate Great Falls Foundation

Dear Neighbor -
As you know, we had to cancel our 4th of July Parade, Hometown Celebration and Fireworks this year due to the COVID-19 restrictions. But, great news! We have found a way to celebrate this special day by holding a Drive-Thru Celebration which allows for compliance within those COVID-19 guidelines.
Our 4th of July Drive-Thru Celebration will take place on Saturday, July 4th from 10-11am in the neighborhood behind Turner Farm Park. Neighbors there have volunteered to partner with local Great Falls organizations to put up patriotic displays in their yard for Great Falls residents to enjoy from the safety of their own car as they drive through the neighborhood. Would you like to be a part of this celebration? We need enthusiastic neighbors to create and put up patriotic displays along the route! If your family, group of friends, neighborhood or local organization would like to be a part of our celebration, check out the guidelines below and let us know! 
Drive-Thru Celebration Participant guidelines:
• All displays must be set up the morning of July 4th unless permission from the homeowner has been obtained to set up earlier.
• Participants are encouraged to make their display interactive. Dancing, singing, music, etc. is encouraged.
• All displays must be approved for placement in the homeowner's yard or driveway. We strongly recommend discussing plans with the homeowner prior to July 4th to ensure a smooth set up.
• All participants should remain 6 feet apart from other participants at all times
• Masks and hand sanitizer are strongly encouraged but not required (per the Commonwealth of Virginia’s direction).
• Participants should not throw or give out anything to spectators.
• All displays must be completely cleaned up and trash removed from premises by 2pm unless permission from the homeowner has been obtained. (Please bring your own trash bags).
• Awards will be announced via Facebook and Instagram and the traditional trophy available for pick up at The Old Brogue later that afternoon.
• We are also in need of Drive-Thru Hosts (to keep traffic moving) and a Clean Up Crew (to walk the neighborhood afterwards to ensure no trash is left behind).
If you are interested in participating, please respond back to erinlobato@celebrategreatfalls.org with the following information: 
• Name:
• Organization Name:
• Day of Event Cell Phone:
• Email:
• Brief Description of your display:
• Any questions or suggestions:
• Names of anyone who can help as a Drive-Thru Host:
• Names of anyone who can help as the Clean Up Crew:
We look forward to celebrating our wonderful country on July 4th with you and will confirm once all details are nailed down! I look forward to answering any questions and hope you and your organization can participate!
Erin W. Lobato
Celebrate Great Falls Foundation

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